MusikZone − Die CD-, DVD- und Blu-ray-Sammlung
Songtext zum Titel "Tunnel Of Light"
- Alle Medien mit diesem Song
- Into The Electric Castle (Disc 1)(1998) - Ayreon
- Electric Castle Live And Other Tales(2020) - Ayreon
- Electric Castle Live And Other Tales - Limited Earbook (Disc 5 - Blu-ray)(2020) - Ayreon
- Electric Castle Live And Other Tales - Limited Earbook (Disc 3 - DVD 1)(2020) - Ayreon
- Electric Castle Live And Other Tales - Limited Earbook (Disc 1 - CD 1)(2020) - Ayreon
Tunnel Of Light
Be joyful, my friends! You will now enter the tunnel of light. Let brilliance suffuse your
souls! Make your choice. Your path is incandescend.
Don't offer me the light, when I only know the darkness
Thats where I want to hide
There's a chill in my bones, that I recognise from another life
That's why I'm heading home
EGYPTIAN: Ra- heliopolis, ka-anenti
ROMAN: Into Elysium!
KNIGHT: The isle of Avalon!
EGYPTIAN: In the tunnel of light
Don't tempt my heart with hope,
In the shadow of broken promises I guard my dreams
In the bend of a swollen river
In the roots of weeping willows, I choose to lie
EGYPTIAN: Ra- heliopolis, ka-anenti
ROMAN: Into Elysium!
KNIGHT: The isle of Avalon!
INDIAN: The legend has begun!
FUTUREMAN: Our one and only sun
EGYPTIAN: In the tunnel of light
EGYPTIAN: Ra- heliopolis, ka-anenti
HIGHLANDER: I rest my broken heart, where the willow weep
ROMAN: Into Elysium!
HIGHLANDER: I will lay me down
KNIGHT: The isle of Avalon!
HIGHLANDER: I will rest my head
INDIAN: The legend has begun!
HIGHLANDER: I will close my eyes
EGYPTIAN: In the tunnel of light